Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

5 Mobile Apps that Bring Us Joy

Mobile apps blog pic

The holiday season for 2021 is here and there’s no question that this is an extremely busy time. For public relations professionals, this is when we compile strategic plans for content, identify editorial opportunities for the New Year and engage in budget planning sessions with clients. It’s a juggling act, but we have a few favorite mobile apps that ensure we have…

The Graveyard of Social Media

2021 Halloween blog

If you looked at most smartphones, the odds of finding Facebook, Twitter or Instagram downloaded would be very high. These social channels, along with many others, have become a normal part of our lives as well as our social interaction with others. However, buried six feet under the ground lies plenty of social media that did not stand the test of time….

Eclipse Media Group Client Highlights

15 Client Highlights

As part of Eclipse Media Group’s 15th year anniversary, we wanted to dedicate a blog to some of our recent client highlights. We owe a lot to our clients, and we’ve been lucky enough over the years to work with some truly great companies. Azena (formerly Security & Safety Things)Pitch Perfect (InSecurity Magazine)Wondering what sporting events might look like in the future?…

Podcasts you should be listening to | International Podcast Day

International Podcast Day

We’ve put together a few of these blogs over the years, being avid podcast listeners, and they mostly center around public relations and professional podcasts. International Podcast Day was a few days ago, so it’s fitting for us to highlight some of our favorites— both serious and some that just keep us sane. PR in the technology industry can mean hours and…

Step by Step: How to create an Instagram Reel

EMG Blog - How to Create a Reel

There are plenty of ways to garner attention from your followers but keeping your page dynamic with multiple forms of media is imperative to keep engagement high. Videos and animated posts catch the eye of social media scrollers, so creating content such as Reels can provide the extra push that your page needs to stand out. Reels are relatively new to the…

5 Effective ways B2Bs can increase engagement on social media

emgblog - increasing social media engagement

By Lindsay Erb Engaging current and potential customers online and through social media is important to the success of every business. Unfortunately, many B2Bs are still hesitant to fully embrace social media, let alone invest time and other resources into creating a social media presence. Increasing engagement on social media doesn’t have to be very complex. Below are a few easy, yet…

Social Media Burnout: When to log off

Social media burnout

By Lindsay Erb Social media is a great tool for businesses of all sizes and in all industries. It can help you get attention and build awareness; however, it can also become exhausting and overwhelming very quickly. Many business owners and social media managers feel the constant need to refresh their feed and engage in content. However, many don’t realize how it’s…

So, you started an Instagram…Now what?

so you started an Instagram

By Rachel Peck Many B2Bs, and even some B2Cs, have been slow to jump on the Instagram bandwagon. While Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn tend to be the most popular channels for many businesses, Instagram’s growth over the past few years, audience reach, and new sales opportunities have made it a social media must-have for many. However, starting an Instagram account is the…

Spring cleaning your social media

Spring cleaning your social media

By Rachel Peck Well, it’s that time of year. The days are longer, warmer and all the signs point to spring. If you’re like us, you might be anticipating the dreaded “spring cleaning” of your house, car, garage – whatever it may be. While a bothersome task, spring cleaning can be cathartic and shouldn’t just be relegated to your home life –…

Should you be on Clubhouse?

EMG Blog - Should You be on Clubhouse

By Rachel Peck Unless you’ve been living in a digital blackout, or taking a much-needed social cleanse, then you’ve probably heard of Clubhouse. Social media’s newest darling, marketed as a “thought leadership” platform and an opportunity for small businesses to network on the main stage, is a social media chat room on steroids. While it might seem to make sense for the…