Tips for surviving 2021 – while maybe being productive

By Rachel Peck Believe it or not, we’re only a few weeks into 2021 and it’s already proving to be every bit as unprecedented (we hoped to not have to use that word) as its predecessor. It’s days and weeks like this that make it hard to remember we ever lived in a world where our daily productivity wasn’t competing with local,…
Words We’d Like to Leave in 2020

By Rachel Peck We’re so close to 2021 we can hardly believe it. Last year, we were blissfully unaware that our New Year’s resolutions blog was about to become satire in the year 2020. So, this year, we’ve finally learned our lesson and kicked resolutions to the curb for good. Instead, we’re going to talk about things we won’t do, or in…
PR Planning Tips for 2021

By Rachel Peck Well, we’ve made it to December, which in 2020 is a feat unto itself. In the past, communications professionals would’ve started planning for the new year by October – setting up public relations strategies and marketing campaigns for the coming year, as well as researching trends and planning content. However, long-term planning for 2020 – and into 2021- presents…