Boutique PR agency specializing in security and technology

Eclipse Media Group

Assessing the Value of Media Interviews: Are Interviews Still Relevant?

The media landscape has changed considerably in recent years. Today, instead of picking up a physical print newspaper or magazine, more than 85 percent of adults turn to their smartphone or computer to get the news. The changes are also evident in the newsroom of newspapers and broadcast news stations across the country, with the number of reporters shrinking considerably with media…

Interviews 101: Attention to Detail


By Rachel Peck As PR professionals, one of our main functions is to pitch, or seek out, interview opportunities for our clients. In addition to that, we might have to also identify the best representatives for our clients’ businesses and assist them by offering them the tools they’ll need to effectively convey brand messaging. This offering by many PR agencies has become…

So You’re Traveling to a Trade Show

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By Rachel Peck Heading to a trade show or event? Whether you’re a seasoned attendee, or a new PR and marketing professional heading to your first event, you should take time to ensure you and your clients are as prepared as possible for a few very hectic days. From comfortable footwear to media briefings, here are EMG’s top trade show planning tips:…

Media Interviews Tips & Tricks

By Chelsie Woods Much like a job interview, being interviewed by the media should involve important preparation to ensure optimal results. To prepare, it’s important to keep a few things in mind before going on the record, whether it’s with a reporter from your local newspaper or a trade industry publication. Do your homework Always expect that everything you share with the…