Johnson Controls debuts software to detect returning persons of interest

Ideal for retail, education, and other businesses,
 exacqVision Facial Matching solution is powered by Tyco AI

MILWAUKEE Johnson Controls introduces the exacqVision Facial Matching solution, an Artificial Intelligence enabled system that provides immediate notification of persons of interest who are returning to a retail business, venue, or other premise.

Using highly accurate deep learning analytics, exacqVision Facial Matching serves as a “front door host,” with immediate recall of recognized visitors that arrive on site, such as a suspected shoplifter returning to the store, or to detect persons of interest entering a high-profile sporting event or a place of business.

“The power of exacqVision Facial Matching comes from its deep learning capabilities for accuracy as well as in its extensive integrations with exacqVision and other retail tools, such as electronic article surveillance and point of sale systems,” said Ryan Hulse, senior product manager for Exacq. “Leveraging these tools for a complete automated detection and notification system significantly lessens the burden on staff who have a whole host of other responsibilities to fulfill.”

The engine behind exacqVision Facial Matching is Tyco AI an ever-evolving, deep learning solution that will take analytic capabilities such as object classification, behavior and facial recognition to the next level, using powerful algorithms that customize solutions to specific end user installations. To further automate this approach, Tyco AI harmonizes video and access control solutions, streamlining the management of a facility through a surveillance infrastructure rather than by disparate systems or operator intervention.

In a retail setting, exacqVision Facial Matching continuously compares faces against saved profiles, even with hats, glasses and facial hair, providing instant confirmation of the presence of persons of interest with color-coded facial bounding boxes. Integrated directly into exacqVision for easy configuration and deployment, the solution can capture and automatically enter into the database acceptable facial views triggered by Electronic Article Surveillance pedestals or Point of Sale keywords, growing the database of faces with minimal user interaction. Users can also be added manually into the system.

Once a profile has been created and that individual returns to the business, users can receive a push notification through the Exacq Mobile app with the date, time, and image of the person of interest. Personnel will then be able to take appropriate action based on the event.

The exacqVision Facial Matching also provides businesses of other types the ability to reference visitors against a known database of terminated employees or other persons of interest, whether they are returning to the same location or to another facility. For example, if a recently terminated employee returned to the workplace within a certain amount of time, Exacq Facial Matching will provide instant notification.

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